
Monday, June 9, 2014

VBS Preparations!

We are busy getting ready for VBS which begins tomorrow (or today as you are reading this...) I was head of the decorations this year. I am so thankful for the resources that I had, the people that so willingly helped me, and the work that was done in the past several days. I stepped into the decoration job just two weeks ago. Our VBS staff has lacked in volunteers this year (people being out of town, moving, family medical needs, and so on.) Lifeway (who creates our VBS curriculum we use) had a great book with lots of decorations ideas that I used. I gathered a few ideas from Pinterest. It was fun to plan, purchase supplies, work on it and have it turn out much the way that I envisioned it!

Here are some pictures of how things turned out...
 Our "spy guy" that we will place around for the kids to find during the day...

 Grids I made for shoe box lid hand scanners... later traced different sized kids' hands on them.
 Thankful for these diligent helpers that worked on this "bookcase" last Thursday...
 I think I cut out about 50 of these "Top Secret" labels for boxes, file folders and misc. decorations...
 My sweet friend and daughter made this black painted box look like a cool table for the snack room...
 Our C.E. Pastor and his kids made a cool Security entrance...
 Our "elevator" for the Junior Agents age group (Kind.-1st grade)
 Our "book shelf" for the Analysts age group (4th-6th grade)
 Back of the sanctuary... where kids get ready to play games outside...
 Across the auditorium at the signs...

 The "evidence vault" for the Code Breakers age group (2nd-3rd graders)...

 The evidence room shelf for the recruits (Pre-K age group)...
The mission possible shelf where we will collect food for our local food backpack program...

I didn't get a picture of the stage which looks so cool! My hubby worked hard on making a digital cross! Maybe another day I'll post one...

I'm so glad that everything is up and ready! Another task that is different for me this year is that I will be the Preschool teacher. Our faithful teacher that we've had in that level for the past 4 years became a missionary, raised her funding and moved a few months ago to Nigeria! I am excited to try something different since the past four years I have sung on stage (I will not be this year) and I have been a photographer/ craft helper/ floater volunteer. It should be fun to work in a more hands on way with the kids! Pray for me that I will be an effective teacher with the kids! 

Our theme verse for the week:
"Always be ready to to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect..." 1 Peter 3:15

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