
Monday, June 21, 2010

Curly hair tips

So I have been thinking about all I have learned about taking care of my curly hair over the past few years, and thought I would share it with a few people. It all began when my sister Nina gave me a great book for Christmas several years ago, called "Curly Girl: A Celebration of curls, how to cut them, care for them, love them and set them free". In the book, the author Lorraine Massey discusses how to care for curly hair, and that it is totally different than straight hair. It is generally dryer, and needs more moisture. Many, many women (and men) in the world today have curly hair, and do not know how to style it. Many beauticians do not know how to cut or style curly hair. In beauty school, curly hair is not discussed, or taught how to cut. (my beautician confirmed this). So unless your stylist has curly hair herself, she may not know how to deal with your curly hair. Also, I have become involved with a few websites online that give tips and ideas about styling curly hair, and they sell products. (I have not tried any of them though, because they are too expensive!)

Here is my list of tips that I have learned so far...

1. Do not wash the length of your hair with shampoo. It contains harsh chemicals, such as sodium laureth sulfate and sodium laurel sulfate, which are harsh cleaners used for floor cleaning. The Curly Girl book recommends no shampoo at all in your hair, ever. I did not like this after trying it for two weeks, found my scalp to be greasy and scaly. So I do a gentle shampoo on my scalp only, and conditioner in the length.

2. Try using a gentle shampoo and conditioner. Several of the websites below have great tips for common brands (such as Suave) which sell great poo & cond. If you want to try a more natural product on your hair, use baking soda to wash with-- it makes your hair squeaky clean! Also you can rinse with diluted apple cider vinegar, and it really does clarify your hair and scalp. (I know, it sounds weird, but it works!)

3. Style your hair with gel only, no hair spray, mousse or hair dryer. I had a tough time with this at first, but I've found great results with no hair spray (it contains alcohol, also bad, very drying) I also used to blow dry or diffuse my hair, which was bad for it. It was always dry and fly-away. Now it is not like that at all. Try it-- you might be surprised!

4. When you are done with your shower, rinse your hair with a cool water rinse to seal in moisture.

5. Try drying your hair with a t-shirt or micro-fiber towel (I found one at Wal-mart and the $1 store). The websites below have tips on how to wrap your hair to dry it.

6. Use a satin pillowcase to reduce frizz.

7. DO not use hair brushes (may seem strange, but for ultra-curly hair, fingers are the best brush)

8. Wash your hair less, it can be a drying process in itself. Use products with no bad alcohols in the gels, and hair sprays. Use shampoos, conditioners, treatments etc that are designed for dry hair because they are designed to hydrate the hair therefore preventing frizz.

9. Avoid parting down the middle of the hair. Instead, to part the hair, imagine an invisible line from the brow arch and part your hair to the side.

10. Do not layer unless you have been with your stylist for some time and know they know how to layer curly hair.Bad alcohols are: ethanol, SD alcohol, SD alcohol 40, Alcohol Denat., propanol, propyl alchol and isopropyl alcohol (a.k.a. rubbing alcohol!)Look at your shampoo and conditioners and try to find one that does not use: sulfates (sodium laureth or sodium laurel), silicone/ silixane, mineral oil, alcohol and waxes. Good items in products are: proteins, PVP/ PA peg-silicone (it is water soluble). 

I have been doing this different regimen for my hair for a few years and my hair has never felt or looked healthier!

Websites: (Curly girl book) 

Got curl? The curly page fun styling tips for long hair, curly or straight where curls come to life! 

Find your curl type, find a curly stylist, etc., lots of great info!!

"Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows." Luke 12: 7

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