
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Bind weed killing recipe

I got this "recipe" out of the newspaper for killing bindweed. Pass it on!

(By Dennis Hill of Bookcliff Gardens, in GJ)
Mix these two herbicides: Hi-Yield Killz-All and Fertilome Weed-Out, according to label directions in the same gallon of water. You would put a gallon of water into a sprayer, then add 2 tablespoons of Weed-Out and 4 tablespoons of Killz-All to that gallon of water and then spray that onto your weeds. That will treat about 200 square feet. These are strong chemicals when used together and will kill ANYTHING it's sprayed on, including grasses and broad-leafed plants.

Bindweed (aka Wild-morning glory) is a difficult one to get rid of, and you will probably need to repeat the application a week or so after the original. Also this is one instance when it works better when you apply this when the temperatures are higher (not usually the time to be applying herbicides).

Originally printed in the Daily Sentinel.

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