
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Homeschool Buyers Co-op!

I just listened to a webinar (FREE!) by Brett Walters about Homeschool Buyers Co-Op. I have been a member there for a few years and have not done much with them for a few years. But I learned a lot about the website, and all the discounts they offer. Here is more of what they offer:

  • Group Buys for deep discounts on educational curriculum
  • Exclusive member discounts from over 100 educational suppliers
  • Our Dell discount program
  • The fact the membershp qualifies you for discounts at Academic Superstore
Membership there is free & confidential. I have gotten their FREE homeschool ID cards for the past three years. They are great because you can print them out and laminate them, and show they to get dscounts at various retailers,

They also have wonderful FREEBIES, a free curriculum database, free educational contests & scholarships database,  free educational field trips database and free local discounts database for educators. Be sure to check them out! You can sign up for their newsletter too.

OR you can friend them on Facebook and hear more about what they have to offer. 

Here is their web site address:

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