
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Things that make me happy!

Today in my Guideposts devotions, I read about gifts, and how we need to appreciate the everyday things in our lives. I had been thinking of this yesterday, and how there are new things in my house that I am still enjoying. What a great gift God has given us! A little "sacred in the ordinary" you may say. SO here are some things I have been thinking of...

-That my new dishwasher is quieter than my one at my old house.
-That my laundry area here has luevered doors to close, unlike my old one= no doors.
-For our new house layout, that we can fit in more things, so the kids can play with lots of old toys & games. Including the kitchen, and play table & chairs in the little girls' room.
-That my two big kids can have their own rooms & space to go to relax.
-That we have space for a school room, where the kids can have school time, and the little girls can play in other parts of the house without disturbing them.

I have been trying to treasure each day more. To take some time to just sit, watch the kids play, not be busy all the time. It is something out of a book I read this summer called Mosaic by Amy Grant. She talked in it about having a quiet time each day and how this was hard for her, since she was not a morning person. (neither am I!) So what she does is go outside first thing in the morning, and wakes up while she says, "THIS is THE day the LORD has MADE, I will REJOICE and BE GLAD in it." Psalm 118: 24. It is the day God has given me (us); dedicate it to Him, I will rely on Him, and be thankful, glad in it-- not sad, upset, not worrying, but praying, asking Him for guidance, discernment, encouragement, etc., He made this day, I will give it back to Him, and go through it with HIM in it. I

 really enjoyed that portion of the book. There are a few other parts that I liked, but that is for another day. I hope that has given you food for thought. What are some things YOU are thankful for in this day? What everyday things do you appreciate?

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