
Monday, September 13, 2010

7 guilty pleasures...

There are times as a mom when you just need something for yourself. I don't get a lot of time alone, and that is just fine. I love my kiddos and being with them lots. I love getting to see their smiling faces first thing on a Monday morning, I love getting to see the light click on when they learn, I love seeing their creativity and laughter. I love when they are kind, sweet, gentle and have fun together. (doesn't happen all that often, but it does!)

There are some things that I have in my life that are just pleasurable for me-- guilty pleasures so to say. Here is a list of my top 7:

1. Chocolate- I gotta keep it around...
2. Ice cream- Hubby keeps telling me not to buy it, but I love it!
3. Naps- I take more than I should!
4. Staying up late- my fav time to read, do x-word puzzles, why I need naps!
5. Books- I have piles to read, love to when I can...
6. MOPS- my mommy time with friends is important, I am sad when we're sick and can't go...
7. My blog- I post when I probably should be making a meal!

So there are my top 7, I am sure there are more, but I really gotta make lunch! Do you have any guilty pleasures? Any better than mine? :-D


  1. I second the chocolate and books and staying up late. I would add: watching TV (snuggled with Brett) and glass of wine with berries floating in it :)

  2. What about Facebook? That's definitely a guilty pleasure of mine. :)

  3. I agree with you on 1, 3, 4, 5 and 7! But I think #3 is my guiltiest pleasure of all! :)

    Thank you so much for linking your post. I'm hosting a new Blog Hop if you're interested! :)
