
Friday, September 3, 2010

Family Nights

Last night, we had our first family night in a while. We enjoy family nights because it forges family unity while weaving in some fun & Scripture verses. We talked about the story of Mary and Martha (Luke 10:38-42), doers vs. relaters, servers vs. listeners. We decided if we had a guest come to our home, we'd rather sit & listen to their stories, than be busy in the kitchen.  There is always a slogan that we repeat several times, and this one was "People are more important than things." We have used several books in our family nights. I first heard about Family Nights from Focus on the Family. They have a book or series of books called Family Nights Tool Chest, by Jim Weidmann & Kurt Bruner.

The book that we are currently using is 52 Family Time Ideas by Timothy Smith.
There are regular family nights and some family MOVIE nights where you can watch a movie and apply the discussion to Christian principles.

We've also used Say Goodbye to Whining, Complaining and Bad Attitudes in You and your Kids by Scott Turansky and Joanne Miller. This one is a great book to just read, and then there are 6 Family Nights in the back of the book.

21 Rules of this House by Gregg Harris is another great book. There is a laminated copy of the rules that you can post in your home. There are coloring pages for your kids that they can color while you discuss each rule. We need to review these again- esp. as Mallory gets older!

I hope this gives you some good ideas of things you can try with your family! We love our family nights! 

1 comment:

  1. We are getting ready to get KEBL up and running again ... I do miss that good family time :) Thanks for the inspiration to get it up and going again!
