
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

New News!

We've gotten a few NEW things lately, and I just wanted to share...

Our little Bethany is growing up! She turned 21 months old today, and had her first haircut on Saturday! Her Nana, Joshua's Mom trimmed up the back and gave her some bangs. She looks so sweet! Here is her picture:

Also, Joshua got some wood, sanded it, and stained it for our picnic table! It looks great and is so nice to sit on outside! (It was here when we moved in, but was falling apart and very sliver-ridden! He painted the frame too!)

Our neighbors moved :( and we will really miss them since they had two little girls that were 5 and 2. But they didn't have a lot of room in their van and small trailer to carry much, so they gave us some toys, pink bean bag, girl clothes and a toddler bed for Bethany! (it didn't sell in their yard sale...) We've been wanting to move her to a big girl bed, so we just put it up and she slept in it last night! Bethany did very well and didn't even fall out of it.
Here she is all ready for bed:

Also we decided to take advantage of Labor Day sales and we got a new fire pit! It is a very warm and cozy thing to gather around and since we have a nice big backyard, we thought now is the perfect time for it! We used it last night, and made some yummy s'mores! Since we didn't go camping this year (we moved instead!) This is as close as we'll get!

Caleb and Joshua enjoy new fire pit!
We're busy with other things too, but that is a post for another day! Come on over for dessert sometime soon!

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