
Friday, October 22, 2010

Fun snack recipes for kids!

Here is a great end to my blog week on kids that I have inadvertently done! We are not HUGE fans of Halloween, but it is a good reason to discuss how Jesus is the light of the world and darkness can not overcome HIS light. We like the dressing-up part, and getting to carve pumpkins together, as well as getting to learn & make crafts about owls, spiders and bats. Well, here is something fun... have a great weekend!

Here are some great Halloween snacks for kids...
These are not spider cupcakes, I couldn't find an image of them,
but these are cute little ghosts!

Spider cupcakes
Chocolate icing
Red thin licorice
*Amounts will vary based on how many cupcakes you need to make and how many kids there are- great for preschool classes!

Bake and frost cupcakes with chocolate icing (the darker the better). Place 2-3" strips of red thin licorice as legs (8 on each). For the head add on large marshmallow and 2 raisins for eyes, using toothpicks to hold.

I liked the ideas of pumpkins hiding in the white icing...

Sample of popcorn hand...

Popcorn hands
candy corns
plastic gloves (not rubber)
prange ribbon

Fill glove with one candy corn in each finger (like the nail). Fill glove with popcorn and tie with ribbon. You can even add spider rings inside the ring finger for fun!

Enjoy these, and here is another place to find Halloween recipes. I love Family Fun magazine! There are so many ideas for all kinds of fun!

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