
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

What every mom needs

First edition
This is a title of a MOPS book, written by Elisa Morgan & Carol Kuykendall written in the 1980's  and republished and edited again in the late 90's. If you have not read this book, I wholeheartedly recommend it. (If you are a mother of a perschooler). They emphasize that there are Nine Basic Needs of Moms and getting these needs met will help you be a better mom. We had a talk at our recent MOPS meeting and she was a life-coach or motivational speaker. Most of what she said didn't do much for me, but it made me think of these nine needs.

What Every Mom Needs
Significance- Sometimes I wonder if mothering matters
Identity- Sometimes I’m not sure who I am
New edition
Growth- Sometimes I long to develop who I am
Intimacy- Sometimes I long to be understood
Instruction- Sometimes I don’t know what to do
Help- Sometimes I need to share the load
Recreation- Sometimes I need a break
Perspective- Sometimes I lose my focus
Hope- Sometimes I wonder if there is more to life
Elisa Morgan and Carol Kuykendall

There are times in my life when my husband will meet these needs, my kids can help meet these needs, friends, neighbors, church can meet these needs, but ultimately, only GOD can truly meet our needs and provide for us all that we need to grow. He has a plan for my life and can show that to me. There are days when I get overwhelmed and think, there is no way I can get everything done in the time that I have! And then I pray and God provides some HELP in some way. Or I get to thinking that none of what I am doing makes any difference or SIGNIFICANCE, and God shows me that is not true, by getting a note from one of my children or seeing something on the news that changes my way of thinking. Maybe I have some free time and God allows me to develop my IDENTITY so I am not just a mom, I can be a creative scrapbooker or a teacher or a pianist. I can get a break for some RECREATION and play a game with my family or go see a movie. I can read God's Word and it helps my regain my focus and His PERSPECTIVE.

So I hope you will pray and find ways to allow these needs to be met for YOU by God. He always gives me HOPE when I read His Word.  The authors explain ways to get these needs met and how not to become a "doormat", "Just Johnny's Mom" but to make a difference in the lives of our kids AND in the world around us. He is a gracious God and will provide all we need at the right time!

*I have these printed and posted on my fridge with a magnet so I can be reminded to pray for these needs and for God to meet them. Maybe you can do the same!


  1. would make a great baby shower gift aye?

  2. Yes, it would Luann! I think not many moms would get books at a shower and this would be a great one to read while breastfeeding! (amongst others!)
