
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Bethany's birthday party!

Since TODAY is Bethany's real birthday, I thought I'd post this about her party...

We had Bethany's 2nd birthday party this past weekend and it was lots of fun! We had a Winnie the Pooh theme, had three kinds of soup, bread, chips, and after gifts- cake and ice cream! (She got soy ice cream...) She seemed like she wasn't sure all of the party was for her. She tried to climb off my lap when we were opening gifts! We couldn't get her to blow out her candle. I bet she'll have it figured out next year! We can hardly believe she is already TWO! Where has the time gone?!
Bethany's Winnie the Pooh/ Hundred Acre Wood cake...

Bethany waiting for her chicken noodle soup to cool...

Opening gifts- a pretty dress from Grandma and Grandpa...

a cute outfit from the Kellums...

A Winnie the Pooh puzzle from Mom & Dad...

a tea set from Mom & Dad...

And ALL the kids helped open the big gift!

Bethany and her cousin Lydia try out her new tea set.

Trying to get her to blow out the candle! (#2)

Bethany ready to eat cake!

"Driving" her new car that Daddy put together for her.
Thanks Grandpa and Grandma!

It was a very fun party, though we missed some of the family that was out of town... Hope you enjoyed the pictures!

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