
Friday, December 17, 2010

Chocolate covered pretzels!

So I thought I'd share another one of our favorite Christmas recipes with you, in case there are some who don't know how to make these. They are SO yummy! It's actually not really a recipe, just steps to follow. It's so easy!

First, at the grocery store, most stores carry something called "Almond Bark" or "CandyKwik" or the store brand "Bark Coating". Here is a picture of the package:

 So I take the bark coating out of the package one half at a time. This package has twelve squares of chocolate in it, so I take 6 at a time and dump them into a microwave-safe bowl. The melt it for 2-3 minutes. When it is creamy and easy to stir, just dump in the pretzels. You could do either the pretzel twists, as I have, or the sticks. You can use this to dip pretzel rods in also.

Then when the pretzels are coated, take them out of the chocolate with a tongs or spoon. Place them onto a tray or cookie sheet lined with parchment or wax paper. Let them dry, and put them into a container. I made three cookie sheets worth with the package of Bark Coating that I bought.

See, it is easy! That's all there is to it! If you want, you could add some festive colorful sprinkles to it, but you don't have to. Enjoy!

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