
Monday, January 3, 2011

*SNOW* in Durango!

When we were in Durango this past week, I came down with strep throat, and didn't do too much, especially in the snow. It started snowing early Wednesday morning, and snowed ALL day. We don't get 14 inches of snow like this in our hometown, so they kids loved it! They sledded a lot, tromped around in it and helped Grandpa/ Daddy shovel the driveway. It was beautiful! Joshua and I did go for a walk on Thursday in the snow, and enjoyed counting all the four wheel drive vehicles that we saw! Here are some pictures taken mostly by Rebekah and Joshua...

Mallory helps shovel Grandpa's driveway!

Good job, Mal!

Shoveling while it's still snowing...

Bundled up and ready to go out!
Too bad we didn't pack the snowpants!

And Joshua's cool nighttime shot...

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