
Thursday, February 3, 2011

American Girl class-Kaya- week 3

We had another great American Girl class this week! Here are some highlights...

So this week in class, I had originally planned to make moccasins, but I decided it would be way too hard for the girls in our class, in the time limits we have (one hour). I was very glad that I decided to make another craft, which ended up being paper bag vests. My favorite site that I looked at for how to make one is here:

I also liked this one:

We had Easy fry bread for snack, and the girls really liked it! The recipe can be found here:

This "easier" craft made the hour much easier, and we had time to discuss the book 3 of Kaya more, "Kaya's Hero". One of the girls brought her Kaya doll and we discussed the baby board attached to Kaya. I had some pictures of the baby board (aka papoose) from the American Girl store that I printed to show, but it was much better to see the real thing! This is what it looked like (and the picture I showed):
We also had some extra time to write on our Geography notebook pages.

Here are links to the printables that I copied for the notebook (I gave it out the first week)
State map, State shape, bird and flower.
Today we wrote on the Idaho state page sheet for Kaya to our notebook. 

Here is what we wrote: Kaya may have lived with the Nez Perce tribe in Idaho, Oregon or Washington. There are three major rivers: The Snake, Columbia and the Salmon Rivers. The Nez Perce tribe currently lives in Idaho on a Reservation.

Girls finishing snack and starting craft...

Arm, neck and middle cuts done, making fringe...

Adding fringe to the vests, tracing shapes to add...

Girls showing off their Paper bag vests!  I love them!
Behind the girls you can see what I wrote on the white board for them to write in their notebooks...
It was a fun class, looking forward to next week!

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