Monday, September 17, 2012

Music Monday: Crazy ABC's

You may know Barenaked Ladies for their song, "If I had a Million Dollars." We discovered that they made a kids music CD, and there is a funny song on it that teaches a new kind of ABCs. My teacher heart thinks it is so funny! I hope you enjoy a good chuckle too!

Barenaked Ladies - Crazy ABC's Lyrics

  • Songwriters: Steven Page, Ed Robertson
Hey Steve, hey Ed, that sounds nice, what is it?
Thank you, it's a, it's an alphabet song I'm working on
Oh great, a whole new alphabet, I just learned the old one

A is for aisle, B is for bdellium, C is for czar
And if you see him would you mind telling him?

Okay, hang on a second, yeah aisle, bdellium?
Yeah, aisle like a, like a theater, alright, okay and bdellium?
Bdellium, it's a gum like tree resin, it starts with a silent B
And then czar? Yeah, it's uh like a Russian czar

You know everybody knows apple, ball and cat
I wanted to get into some, you know some stranger words
Right, I see what you're doing

D is for djinn, E for Euphrates
F is for fohn, but not like when I call the ladies

I thought phone started with a P like a Ph
No, it's F O H N, it's a, it's a kind of wind
Yeah, I know what you mean by wind

G for gnarly, I for irk, H is for hour
J for jalapeños, good in either corn or flour
Tortillas, let us rhyme

K is for knick knack, L is for llama
Pramma, llama, ding, what's so strange about llama?
Llama, it starts with two L's, what's the second one for?
No idea, I know loser

N for neumonic, M is for mdomo, O is for ouiga board
P for pneumonia, pterodactyl and psychosis, Q is for qat

Okay, Q qat? What? Yeah, it's uh Q A T, it's an evergreen shrub
It's a perfect scrabble word because it's a Q with no U
There's not many of those, you have too much time on your hands

R is for argyle , no it isn't
Okay, you're right, I couldn't find a good R word
S is for Szár, a lovely German river
T for tsunami, a wave that makes me quiver

U is for urn, but not like earning money
V for vraisemblance from French and therefore kind of funny

W for wren, wrinkly and who
X is for Xian, an ancient Chinese city, true
Ancient Chinese city, huh? My guitar player, some hotshot

Y is for yiperite, a very nasty gas
And zed's the final letter and by final I mean last

Okay, when you say zed for the benefit of our American friends
You really mean Z, right?
No, I mean zed, like, like Zed Zed Top, Zed Zed Top?

Yeah, you know the guys with the big long beards
Well, except the guy whose name is Beard, he has a mustache
I always thought that was interesting

You done with the alphabet?
No, extra letters I haven't heard of? I think so
This was a great help, I think
With the contribution you made to world literacy

Well, I'm just saying, kids I'm just saying
Think outside the box a little bit, box with an R
Yeah, well, no box with a B A L K S like a pitcher
Ah, as opposed to B A C H S

Right, think outside the box, get into some Rochmaninov
That's Rochmaninov with a W

You can listen to this song on YouTube here.

Psalm 34:11
Come, my children, listen to me; I will teach you the fear of the LORD.

Deuteronomy 11:18-21

Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 19 Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. 20 Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates, 21 so that your days and the days of your children may be many in the land the Lord swore to give your ancestors, as many as the days that the heavens are above the earth.

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