Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Bethany's 12th birthday

 We had a wonderful party last weekend celebrating our daughter's 12th birthday! I can hardly believe that she is 12. It doesn't seem that long ago that she was born! We had a gathering at our home, which was another COVID-compliant party. We were thankful to have friends and family come. She had a NERF themed party, with NERF guns at the ready for a challenge! The kids did have a small battle upstairs. 😁

My husband's mom and sister came earlier in the day and brought our girl her gifts. She loves everything that she received.

She got new, gray leggings and a black fuzzy sweatshirt...
She got the game Pay Day, which is one that we don't have! (we have LOTS of games!)...

...and a nice, soft white sweatshirt...

My 14-year-old baked her sister's cake, and Daddy decorated it...
It looked so cool! Nice job, Daddy!😀
The table decorations... I didn't take pictures of the food, but we had a Pasta Alfredo with kielbasa sausage, carrots, blueberries (NERF colors), 3 kinds of chips, veggie straws, and blue jello with mandarin oranges for dinner. After opening presents, we had her chocolate cake with sweet icing and ice cream!
She opened several lego sets!

Her brother gave her a cute baby Yoda (we know it's real name but won't spoil it here)...
She was very excited to get this particular lego set from Mom and Dad, it was not easy to find! It has tigers in it that she really wanted.
She was happy to get a new winter coat that she needed. It's a little big, but she is growing!
She enjoyed putting lego sets together with her friend.
Make a wish!
She wore her new pajamas and the hat it came with to bed, and her new, soft sweatshirt from Rebekah matched so nicely. Thanks for the pj's, Grandpa and Grandma! She looks as tall as the tree in this pic, but she is not. It's a weird angle!

It was a great day celebrating our sweet, silly, fun, witty, smart Bethany! We are so thankful for her life and the gift that she is to our family. God knew we needed her in our family!

Bethany's favorite Bible verse...
Psalm 23:6
Surely your goodness and love will follow me
all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the Lord

2 Peter 3:9 
The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead, he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.

Bethany's life verse, on a plaque in her room with her name meaning...
Acts 2:39
The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off—for all whom the Lord our God will call.”

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