Monday, January 18, 2021

Word of the year 2021

 Word of the year 2021

I've had a challenging time coming up with a word of the year for 2021. Nothing was jumping out. I read several blog posts about the word of the year. I've thought and prayed about it and finally decided! Last year, in 2020 my word was HOPE. I couldn't use that one again...

A few weeks ago, when our pastor preached at church, he mentioned a verse that has the words "press on" in them. I thought about that phrase/word and thought about how it is just what I need to do. We are still dealing with the world-wide pandemic of COVID-19. There are still things we are limited in doing. Several people/ families that I know have gotten COVID. Our church services are limited to 100 people, and we still need to wear a mask anywhere in public. There are many things that I hope will happen in 2021... in-person concerts (kids' band and choir), baseball games, VBS and much more. I feel that PRESS ON is what I need to do, and learn to do.

What does it mean to press on? 
-to continue moving forward in a forceful or steady way
-to continue to do something in a determined way
-to persist, stand firm, keep at it, continue, endure, maintain, carry on, be resolved, plug away, stay the course or hang in there.

This verse in Philippians applies so well...

"But one thing I do:

Forgetting what is behind

and straining toward what is ahead,

I PRESS ON to win the prize for which

God has called me heavenward

in Christ Jesus."

Philippians 3:13b-14

I will press on toward heaven in my daily life. I will keep living for God, loving others as best as I can, praying, worshiping and studying His Word until He chooses to call me home. I will forget what I've done wrong, where I've failed, what happened last year, and look forward to what is ahead... what a glorious day that will be!

I found the images on Pinterest... I like them all! So I decided to share them with you!

Do you have a word of the year? Do you have a verse that goes with it? I'd love to hear all about it! Please share!

Luke 13:33
In any case, I must press on today and tomorrow and the next day—for surely no prophet can die outside Jerusalem!

2 Corinthians 4:8
We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair;

Philippians 3:12
Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.

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