Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Summer fun 2024

 We had a wonderful summer, but as usual, it went by too quickly. We enjoyed the typical things such as: attending JUCO games, holding our VBS at church & helping with it, doing a big puzzle, backyard movie nights, having family visit, going to Joshua's mom and sister's home for July 4, etc., We also did some minor home renovations. 

I will let you enjoy the pictures, including a family reunion on my mom's side. It was fun to see extended family, including cousins, aunts, and uncles that we hadn't seen for 9 years. It was nice to have a positive reason to gather, instead of at a funeral, since last year there were four!

Kids enjoying a JUCO game
Hubby, my Mom, and I enjoyed games too...

We helped (a little) with VBS decorations... we made a sand castle out of boxes! The beach theme was fun.
Kids singing during VBS...

My sister visited and we saw "Inside Out 2" with her and her kids.
We played lots of card games together at our family reunion, especially Nertz!

All of us at the family reunion, about 70 people (out of 220+). We took this with a drone!
These are all of my cousins that we were there...17, I think. Loved seeing each one!!
On the way home, we saw Mount Rushmore and the cool!

Then we were home for one day, did laundry, and repacked for the 4th of July time with Joshua's family!

Our group was smaller this year... we missed the big kids!
We went to a speakeasy, that was different but we liked it a lot!
Youth group movie night...
We listened to "Encanto" music while we made this 1,000-piece puzzle. The bottom was tough!

Our son moved out in May. The ceiling in this room had damage from years before, so we removed the popcorn ceiling. It took about 4 1/2 hours and was a mess, but we are happy with it! My hubby retextured it, and we repainted the room. It looks so much better!
Our youngest daughter moved in there a few weeks ago, and she likes it. We have a guest room now, and it was even used last weekend!

It was a great summer. We are starting to get back into the fall routine, which is good too. Our daughters also went on a mission trip to Mexico with their youth group and enjoyed building a house for a family there. My mom was out of town for 3 weeks and we took care of her dog. We enjoyed our friends' pool and we had a nice anniversary. The girls are in marching band now, and soon that will keep us busy with football games and competitions!

What did you do this summer? Were you able to travel anywhere? I'd enjoy hearing about it.

Psalm 74:17
It was you who set all the boundaries of the earth; you made both summer and winter.

Proverbs 26:1
Like snow in summer or rain in harvest, honor is not fitting for a fool.

Proverbs 30:25
Ants are creatures of little strength, yet they store up their food in the summer;

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