Thursday, July 28, 2016

Magnet on my shoulder

Many people have asked me over the past year about the "magnet" I wear on my shoulder. I always tell them that it is a posture reminder. I wear it because I frequently have poor posture, and I have found it is an easy way to remind me to sit up straighter!

It is called a Lumo Lift. My hubby got a great deal on two of them several years ago, and we both wore one until I lost mine. He gave his to me, since he feels I need it more. It is a simple little square magnet, attached to a little piece that will vibrate if I slouch. I set it each morning that I put it on, and it buzzes after I set it. I have it set so that it will vibrate every two minutes. It is attached to an app on my phone, and I can adjust it's settings there. It is attached to the app via bluetooth. It not only measures my posture but also numbers my steps each day. I try to get to 5,000 steps a day, since that is a realistic goal for me. Most days I do not conquer that, I know I need to exercise more than I do.  It is nice to have the Lumo Lift as a step counter for me, since I do not always have pockets or carry my phone everywhere in my house. (I can use the Health app on my iPhone to record steps also.)

You can find out more about the Lumo Lift here.  It comes with a little charger that you can plug into your computer or a wall brick. I usually charge mine every night while I sleep, but it doesn't need to be charged daily. I've gone 2-3 days without charging before and it will still work great. I have bought some different magnets for it, mostly black/ metallic ones, but hope to buy colored magnets so that it is not as easily seen.

I enjoy the Lumo Lift posture coach as it has helped me maintain good posture each day!
 Sometimes it is hard to see on my shirt, sometimes it is easy to see...
 And sometimes my necklaces get caught on it, it really is a magnet!

There are not many verses about posture in the Bible, but there are some about standing up... ;-D

Joshua 7:10
The Lord said to Joshua, “Stand up! What are you doing down on your face? 

Luke 21:28
When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.”

Acts 26:16
‘Now get up and stand on your feet. I have appeared to you to appoint you as a servant and as a witness of what you have seen and will see of me.

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