Monday, August 1, 2022

Summer Adventures

 We have had a very fun summer, mostly staying close to home. In addition to visiting family for the Independence Day holiday and paddleboarding (see previous posts), we went to a nearby Christian music festival, had a backyard movie night with friends, had family visit us, and more! 

My daughters were away at camp (one) and babysitting (the other) for an evening, so my hubby and I took advantage of having his Dad's old 4 X 4 truck. We drove it in the nearby mountains trying to find a certain canyon. Unfortunately, the road was not well marked and we had a hard time getting there. We finally found the road and had to head home shortly after. We had a picnic dinner though and enjoyed being together!

Such a pretty sunset!

We had fun going to our friends' pool a few times...

During our backyard movie night, after we ate tacos for dinner, it rained. After the rain the sky was yellow and we saw a double rainbow! We did end up watching "Encanto" after the sun went down.

We had two fawns born in our backyard in June, and we saw them often during the summer!

Some pictures of the music festival that we went to...
We saw Mac Powell, Danny Gokey, and Crowder. It was great fun and some awesome music!
We are close to the same age, so I could really identify with some of Mac's stories!

Danny Gokey and his band danced in sync!
He sang my favorite song of his, "Love God, Love People!" I also bought a shirt there that says that phrase on it. 💜

But Crowder was the BEST! He can play all kinds of instruments, including piano, guitar, banjo, cigar box guitar, etc.,  as well as sing! His violinist was incredible, and was head banging while he played! It was a blast to see!

We had such a great time there!
We played a game called "Trekking the National Parks" that we borrowed from family. It was fun... I won 2 out of 3 times!
We finished this difficult bear puzzle...
We saw the movie "Top Gun: Maverick" with the kids and loved it!

Joshua's aunt and uncle visited us for about 4 days. Mallory played her new (to her) instrument mellophone since her great aunt was a music teacher!
We played the Trekking game again with family, including Rebekah while she was in town!
We enjoyed the lovely wedding and reception of a young couple from our church. Their favors at the reception were little jars of honey!

It has been a lovely summer for the most part. Since his Dad passed away in April, our family gathered to celebrate his life. But that is another blog post!

Genesis 8:22
“As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.”

Psalm 74:17
It was you who set all the boundaries of the earth; you made both summer and winter.

Proverbs 10:5
He who gathers crops in summer is a prudent son, but he who sleeps during harvest is a disgraceful son.

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