Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Thanksgiving review...

We had a wonderful, relaxing time away this past weekend for Thanksgiving. There are three children in my husband's family, and one of them resides with his mom. Their home is relaxing, fun for the kids with all the toys/ coloring books/ Wii/ cable TV, etc., and is filled with delicious food often during our visits! We love going to visit and having cousin/ family time. Our family and my hubby's sister's family treks on down to Auntie/ Nana's house, camps on the floor for a few days, laughs a lot, and just spends time together... all 14 of us! We don't tire of it, since it is all so relaxing and delicious! Just what we needed to recharge!

Here are a few pictures to highlight our time of recreation...
3 little girls rolling downhill on a "walk"...
My daughter relaxes with her cousin, watching the Wii...
Three sisters setting the table...
On Saturday, before we headed home, we visited a local Christmas tree farm. We didn't need a tree, but we did come home with a lovely wreath!
Kids and cousins on a "wagon"...
My son and his cousin feeding the horses...

Our youngest found a tree just her size!
Getting a "pony tail ride"...
Kids in front of the tree we chose (for cousins)...
Roasting marshmallows with Daddy...

On our way out, we took a family picture by this cool bridge!

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