Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Independence Day Lapbook {4th of July}

This is a freebie lap book that we got in 2007 from Live and Learn Press. (It is not free anymore, but you may be able to get it as a freebie if you become a member!) 
It was a great activity to do when it was hot outside and we had time to be crafty!
 We learned a lot about U.S. History and our country's independence while making this lap book!

This lap book is now called "Let Freedom Ring" and is found in the Social Studies section of the Live and Learn Website. This lap book includes 48 mini-books and enough to fill three file folders!
 Here is the front cover -- there is a different front cover now.
 Inside the left front cover:
-Vocabulary (Independence, Liberty, Freedom, Courage, Patriot, Colony, Revolution, Republic, President, Revolutionary)
-Freedom- which one we enjoy the most: The freedom of religion!
-Why did John Adams think that July 2 would be Independence Day? mini-book
-Proper Behavior during the National Anthem (when the flag is displayed) (for those in uniform)
-Congreve Rocket! mini book

Open Left front folder:
-Betsy Ross mini-book/ questions
-1776 Myths (2 match books)
-Synonyms for Freedom spinner booklet
-Our American Flag (then and now)
-How to Display the Flag
-Folding the Flag booklet and pocket- what the flag folds represent
Center folder, left flap open:
The Fourth of July is also known as: (Independence Day)
- Map the Thirteen Colonies
-Proper Behavior during the National Anthem (when the flag is not displayed)
-Five Pointed star (cut and folded inside pocket)
-Pledge of Allegiance cards inside pocket- to place in order
-National Anthem- written on mini-book inside (partially hidden)
-1776 Myths matchbook (not shown)
-Sir Francis Scott Key booklet- why the anthem was written (not shown)

Center right flap (not shown):
-Famous Speeches that quote the Declaration of Independence
-What was the Continental Congress? mini-book

Right folder, flaps closed:
-Biographies: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, and 9 others
-Did You Know? - trivia questions written under four flaps inside
-When was the Liberty Bell named?
-Timeline for the Creation and Signing of the Declaration of Independence
Right folder, flaps open:
- "We hold these truths to be self-evident..." booklet- what that means to us
-Photo of Declaration signing with small copy of Declaration on the inside, folded
-Intolerable Acts (definitions on inside)
-Firecracker booklet: What two things did the Declaration of Independence do?
-1776 Myths matchbook
Far flap: -Declaration of Independence- four questions and answers folded inside
-Unalienable Rights- two questions on inside
-Charters of Freedom mini-book
Back of Right folder:
-Another name for Fireworks (pyrotechnics, or sky-rockets, or firecrackers!)
--Fireworks mini-book with questions
-Discuss serious uses of Fireworks (signals for help, used to light battlefields, etc.,)
Back cover:
-Copy of Declaration of Independence with my daughter's "signature" added! (and circled)

We hope you will take the time to discover some of our country's full history and learn more about our founding fathers! I really enjoy U.S. history, and I hope my children will too! This was an awesome lap book chock full of information, and we enjoy pulling it out to review each July!

Romans 8:20-21

"For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God."

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