Sunday, June 2, 2013

VBS Music 2013: "Colossal Coaster World"

VBS Music 2013: "Colossal Coaster World"
This is the theme song for this next week of VBS. It will be a fun week of roller coasters, facing the fear of riding something scary, and embarking on the "ride of your life" in a life with Jesus Christ as your Savior. We will be discussing the theme of "Facing Fear, Trusting God" through lots of activities in Bible, snacks, games and music. I think it will be lots of fun! I hope you will be joining us at our VBS, or finding another Colossal Coaster World in your area. Join me as I share one new song each day this week from Lifeway's VBS!

"We're at the gate, and we can't wait
to get inside and ride all the ri-i-i-des.
Can't wait to feel the wind in our hair,
Can't wait to raise our hands in the air
and feel that rush for the very first time!

Colossal Coaster World, facing fear, trusting God.
Colossal Coaster World, facing fear, trusting God
with ev'rything that we've got.

He's give us a spirit of power and love,
and sound judgment from abo-o-o-ve.
Can't wait to see what He's gonna do,
Can't wait to see how He's gonna move
through every twist and turn and dive!


So come on, come on, come on
and get going, come on, come on,
come on and get on. We've got a ticket to ride!

So come on, come on, come on
and get going, come on, come on it,
come on and get on. We've got a ticket to ride!

Colossal Coaster World, facing fear, trusting God.
Colossal Coaster World, facing fear, trusting God
with ev'rything that we've got."

Copyright/ Published by LifeWay Christian Resources
You can listen to this song here. Scroll toward bottom of page, There is a bunch of VBS videos. Scroll down the page to find the videos, and choose "Colossal Coaster World."

This is our theme verse for the week:

2 Timothy 1:7

 For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.

Proverbs 3:21
My son, do not let wisdom and understanding out of your sight, preserve sound judgment and discretion;

Psalm 31:14
But I trust in you, Lord; I say, “You are my God.”

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