Friday, March 24, 2023

My Dad's health

Me and my Dad in 2018

My dad's health has really declined in the past two years, especially in the past 10 months. He was diagnosed with COPD between 5 and 7 years ago. Last May he traveled to Texas to visit my brother, and the change in elevation (even while flying) made him shorter of breath. He's had bladder cancer/ problems for over 35 years and has had many bladder infections (fungal too) in the past six months, which are difficult to get rid of. He has lost 80 pounds over the past 18 months or so, he looks so different!
At my daughter's wedding in Dec. 2021

He hasn't been doing much. If he exerts much effort it makes breathing more difficult. He gets dizzy when he stands and walks. He falls easily because he gets dizzy, blacks out, and falls over. It has been very difficult to see. Last July, we bought him a walker because he was getting unsteady on his feet. He hasn't driven since last summer. In October, my mom broke her hip and was in the hospital and rehab for 3 weeks. He visited her every day, usually with the help of me or my other siblings.

In November, my siblings were all busy, so I took him to visit her in rehab in the morning and in the evening. Their home is about 10 minute drive from my home. But I have 3 kids at home, homeschool, have two cleaning jobs, was in our homeschool co-op, am involved in our church, and more. It was a tough three weeks for me. My siblings came here to help my parents as much as they could. 

After the new year, we decided that the situation was not sustainable. We had caregivers come into their home for two hours a day. I liked this because it helped them get groceries, get to Dr. appointments, make sure that they ate lunch and dinner, helped with laundry (if needed, my Mom does it), etc., It has been a relief that when I am there I don't always have to wash dishes or load the dishwasher. I can actually visit, know that someone has seen them each day, and they will call me if something goes awry. It worked very well...

...Until last Friday. My mom called me at about 1:10 pm and said that my Dad's breathing had gotten worse, and an ambulance took him to the E.R. I picked her up and we drove to the hospital. (She is not driving anymore). After we got there, we learned that they had done a chest x-ray and that my Dad had a pneumothorax (collapsed lung). It had detached from the chest wall because there was air in between the chest wall and the lung. They did an immediate, short surgery and inserted a chest tube to drain the fluid. 

He was VERY grumpy that afternoon and evening. He was restless, uncomfortable, and daunted about staying in the hospital for two nights (minimum). They ended up giving him anxiety medication and a pain pill, both of which helped a lot. My Dad seemed more like himself on Saturday. On Monday, they inserted a more permanent chest tube and hospice came in. We set up hospice care for him when he came home. It was a difficult weekend but I am SO thankful that my sister and I were together since we were both on Spring break from school (she teaches 2nd grade and I homeschool my two younger daughters.)

He came home from the hospital this past Tuesday. He also got put on oxygen while he was in the hospital, so he has two new cords attached to him all of the time. He can take off the oxygen sometimes, but not for too long. We had been told that oxygen wouldn't help him, because his oxygen levels were always good. But in the hospital, they said that his levels went down when he slept. His blood sugar levels were good though. He was taken off of two diabetes medications that he had taken for a while.

Some days when I see him, he is lethargic and sleeps a lot. On other days he is awake, sitting up, chatting, talking, and joking-- more like normal. I feel like I could lose him at any time, so I am trying to treasure the times I have with him, holding his hand, smiling, and helping however I can. I know that one day (maybe soon) that I will not be able to do that. But for now, he is still here, glad to be home again, and today was a good day. I am happy about that. (Hospice has been wonderful so far!)

Please pray for him and his health. I had hoped that he would be around another 5-10 years, but I am not sure that will happen. Only God knows the length of his life. I am trying to trust God, not worry and know that God is in control, not me. I am thankful for so many family members and friends who have been praying for us. You are a treasure to me and my family!

Exodus 15:2
“The Lord is my strength and my defense; he has become my salvation. He is my God, and I will praise him, my father’s God, and I will exalt him.

Luke 4:40
At sunset, the people brought to Jesus all who had various kinds of sickness, and laying his hands on each one, he healed them.

2 Corinthians 6:18
And, “I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.”

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