Wednesday, October 11, 2023


 I'll admit it, I'm not a dog person. Strange, right?! Doesn't everyone love dogs? No. Not me. I don't like having dog hair all over my clothes, I don't like cleaning up after them, don't like dog hair on furniture, etc., All of my siblings have dogs, and some have more than one. I always said that I had enough kids to take care of, I didn't need to add a dog into the mix.

We never had dogs growing up. There was ONE time that my Dad brought a dog home from work. He had found it in a dumpster. My mom wasn't sure she could take care of it the next day, so my Dad brought it to work with him again... where the dog met its untimely end.

After she got groomed...

Over 15 years ago, to the surprise of all of us children, my parents got a small lap dog. They loved it. Pretty soon, they got another one. They are both of the Japanese Chin breeds. I petted them briefly when I came into their house, and that was about it. One of their last dogs, who died a little over a year ago, was so sweet. When he was younger, he ran away every time he could get out the door. Eventually, he quit doing that, and my parents were so thankful. He was the only dog that I ever liked. He was calm and mellow. He'd wait to come and say hi. 

This fall, my mom went to stay with my brother and his family for a month. Since she flew, she couldn't easily take her dog with her. So we volunteered to watch her. We have mostly enjoyed having her around. She had an eye infection, so she only has one eye. She also snores when she sleeps. At home, she is used to having a doggie door. We do not have the type of door that works well for a doggie door. The first week, she peed on all of my entryway rugs (by the garage, front door, back door). She pooped on several of them too. UGH! Thankfully they are all washable. She also did not eat her food very much. I think she still misses my mom.

On other days, she goes outside well, eats well, and is busy around the house. She sits by Bethany when we eat dinner. She follows Bethany (age 14) around when she walks. She loves playing with Bethany and wags her tail, dancing, when Bethany gets home. It's so sweet. Joshua and I are kind of indifferent to her. I know he is ready for her to go home. Several of us are allergic to dogs and cats, but cats we are way more allergic to. She hasn't bothered us too much, maybe she is hypoallergenic or something.

I've liked having a little buddy when I walk. She is amusing at times. She barks whenever anyone comes to the door. Typical dog behaviors, I know. Bethany will miss her when she goes home again next week.

She found a cozy spot!

Judges 7:6
Three hundred of them drank from cupped hands, lapping like dogs. All the rest got down on their knees to drink.

Ecclesiastes 9:4
Anyone who is among the living has hope—even a live dog is better off than a dead lion!

Mark 7:27-28
“First let the children eat all they want,” he told her, “for it is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs. “Lord,” she replied, “even the dogs under the table eat the children’s crumbs.”

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