Monday, July 11, 2011

Handmade Lotion

A few years ago, our local homeschool group offered a class on how to make your own body lotion. The teacher, Nora was from another nearby town, and there were about 15 moms that took the class. We made this lotion for Christmas gifts the year before last, and it was a big hit with friends and family. My Mom and Dad have trouble with dry skin, especially since my Mom is a nurse and washes her hands many, many times each day. I gave them some of this lotion recently, and they went through it pretty quickly! I use it every day on my legs and hands. I think it is a little too greasy for my face. If you want more info on skin care products, check out this post here.
My set up in my kitchen.

Jars set in pan of water, heating up.


1/4 oz. Bees wax
1/2 oz. Lanolin, or Shea butter, or cocoa butter, or coconut oil
1 1/2 –2 oz. Oil (ex. Almond, apricot, avocado, grapeseed, olive, walnut, etc.,)
1-2 drops of PURE Vitamin E oil (excellent for skin, preservatives for lotion)
1/2 drops of grapefruit seed extract (antifungal and preserves)
1/2 oz distilled water (no chlorine)
Pinch of Borax dissolved in water
NOTE: You will have 3 oz. of oil in the mixture!
All ingredients out and ready to add...
Place bees wax and other solid ingredients (Shea butter, lanolin) in a heat-safe container (i.e. glass jar) to melt. Place the jar inside a pan with water on stove burner at low temperature (do not let boil). Add rest of oils and extracts. Stir occasionally. When mixture is all melted and combined, remove from heat. While waiting for the solids to melt, dissolve Borax in water. Very gradually add the water (& Borax dissolved) to the oils and start stirring until it cools down, and becomes room temperature. This step will take 30 min or more. If you stop stirring it, the water and oils will separate. You can also place a lid on the jar and shake it. Stir with end of wooden spoon or bamboo skewer. You can also place into a cold-water bath to cool down a little faster while you stir it. The lotion will become opaque and creamy when cool, because of the Borax in it.
*This lotion can be used on your face, arms, hands, legs and feet. This mixture will last 1-2 months, and up to 1 year in the refrigerator. The recipe can be doubled with success.
Other tips and variations:
-Two tablespoons = One ounce.
-Castor oil can be added as an antifungal, add with liquid.
-Some individuals may be allergic to grapefruit seed extract, and it will cause cracking in your skin. That ingredient may be left out if necessary. It is a preservative.
-A salve can be added that includes comfrey, calendula, olive oil and beeswax.
-Lanolin is an animal product, and can be sticky, but it is good medicinally. It may cause your lotion to become more sticky.
-When the oil is removed from the seed source, it begins to oxidize and go rancid, which damages cells. Be careful to check your lotion for rancidity (it will smell bad!)
-Organic, cold-pressed oils are the best, although not as cheap. The high heat breaks down the oil and speeds up oxidation.
-Shea butter can be bought by the kilo for approx $20 with shipping and handling.
All melted and ready to add water.
Borax and Distilled water to mix.
Shea Butter (in bulk)Website:
-To make into lip balm, more beeswax can be added to mixture.
-All ingredients should be kept in refrigerator except water, grapefruit seed extract and Borax.
-For a bigger batch, use a mixer in the last step!
-Essential oils can be added, such as lavender oil. Add to liquid before water is added. Lavender oil should be mixed with sandalwood oil.
-If this lotion gets too cold in winter, it will separate!
Approx. prices from Vit. Cottage:
7 oz. Shea butter $8
Cocoa butter $7
Olive oil $9 on sale
Avocado oil $9
Bees wax bars 89 cents
Vitamin E oil $5.89 for 15 ml
Grapeseed oil $4.15 for 4 oz.
Grapefruit seed extract $6.89

Let me know if you try it, I'd love to hear your review!

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